To the hundred-eyed bird
Unknown Series no. 8 #3 “To the hundred-eyed bird,” a solo exhibition by Shoji Asami, will open at void+ on April 23.
The third artist featured in this series, Shoji Asami is a rapidly rising star of the Japanese art world whose work has earned her a Grand Prix at the FACE2019 exhibition, and emerging artist prize at the Gotoh Memorial Cultural Awards in 2020. Shoji studied copperplate engraving at Tama Art University before going on to paint oils of mythical theme and ambience on semi-transparent acrylic sheet. At this exhibition, visitors will view her paintings in a space resembling a cave, using only their own hand-held forms of light. Other offerings will include a video work produced in collaboration with video artist Nakagawa Shu, and drawings. This is an artist who encourages us to look and contemplate art with the whole of our bodies, and we urge you to approach the painterly space created by Shoji Asami on this occasion as not just a visual, but a truly corporeal experience.
(*The artist also plans to paint live on-site every Saturday during the exhibition)
During the exhibition Tama Art University professor Mitsuda Yuri will also be invited to give a talk on Shoji’s work. Details to be posted on the void+ website.
Don’t miss this exhibition by one of the most intriguing painters in Japan today.
■Title:Unknown Image Series no.8 #3 SHOJI Asami “To the hundred-eyed bird”
■Date:2021.4.23 (fri) — 5.30 (sun) 12:00-18:00
■Talk Event:Asami Shoji+Yuri Mitsuda(Tama Art University professor )TBA
■Venue:void+ 3-16-14, 1F, Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
■Closed:Sun、Mon and National Holidays *April 25th (Sun) will be opened
Organized by void+and Unknown Executive Committee
Curated by Chika Kato
Cooperated with gallery21yo-j
Press YN Associates
The hundred-eyed bird
We cannot truly “see” anything unless we try to see.
Yet people choose what they ought to see before even sensing the stirrings of their soul.
Obviously there is more to the world than meets the eye, but do we really understand this?
When something we never actually wanted to see spills from the cracks, how do we grasp hold of it?
In Greek mythology there is a giant by the name of Argos. It was said he had a hundred eyes, which took turns to sleep, so nothing ever escaped him.
But poor Argos became enmeshed in the love-hate relationship and attendant drama of Zeus, king of the gods, and the goddess Hera. It is said he was decapitated by Hermes after being put to sleep by the sweet sounds of the messenger god’s flute.
Feeling pity for Argos, Hera took his hundred eyes and used them to decorate the peacock’s tail.
I believe myths were invented in an attempt to give shape to this absurd and uncertain world, and understand it. And painting a picture is about transforming the material of pigment into a multidimensional language in order to describe the world.
I have created this exhibition with the aim of using the body to think about “seeing,” which is so much more than just a visual mechanism.
March 2021
Asami Shoji
In the cave
A line is drawn.
Shoji Asami studies the canvas, and intuitively gives form to image as she works, simultaneously maintaining an overview of her own state and that of the picture, and circumstances all around. Looking, painting, thing being painted, making a space, verbalizing, her works consistently make us powerfully aware of the body.
At the age of nineteen, out of the blue Shoji was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Bizarrely, she says she felt no fear, but simply settled down to observing with interest what might happen to her. Perhaps that interlude of intimacy with death is what made her the painter she is today.
Darkness, illness, putrefaction, death, monsters, spirits, light, humor, tenderness: things we do not attempt to see, nameless creatures, freely given form by the artist’s brush. Bodies seem to move and morph ceaselessly in canvases that are delicate and beautiful, with lines almost exhilarating in their vigor. Painted continuously since antiquity, these images are in reality the equal of life, the essence of the cycle of nature, and humans their very selves.
In the cave created by Shoji on this occasion, the spectator cannot see everything at once, but must pursue the painted images amid darkness, with whatever little light they have at hand. Primeval yet of the present, this will doubtless be a different experience for each individual.
With the world thrown into turmoil by a virus, and so many aspects of our existence being laid bare, now more than ever is the moment for us to view paintings, and the world, with the whole of our bodies.
Chika Kato (Curator, Unknown Series)
Artist Profile
Born 1988 in Fukushima, Japan. Earned her MFA in printmaking in 2012 from Tama Art University (Tokyo). ”A line is drawn. It is not necessarily a borderline of the kind dividing heaven and earth, but perhaps a space that opens up through movement, like that of a creature that crawls along the ground, leaving a track in sand or mud. In our lives we are continuously inheriting a world imagined by someone.” Despite not having a specific narrative, Shoji’s paintings reveal various stories to the viewer. They also spawn a living painterly space of circulating free physical sensation, through the spatial experience of painting.Solo shows include ”Tomorrow’s Unseen Mythologies” (gallery21yo-j, 2019), “Diagram of the Mud”(Cale, 2018), “A Painter in the Theater” (gallery21yo-j, 2017), and “During the Night” (Tokyo Wonder Site, Shibuya,2017). Recipient of the Grand Prix at the “FACE2019” Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Art Awards, and the Gotoh MemorialCultural Award emerging artist prize in 2020.
Talk Guest Profile
Art critic. Professor, Tama Art University, specializing in modern/contemporary art history and history of photography. Recent exhibitions include ”Painting into Sculpture – Embodiment in Form” (Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art, 2019), “Talking about Art – The Viewpoint of Yusuke Nakahara” (also at KMDMA, 2016), “Mirror Behind Hole: Photography into Sculpture“ (gallery αM, 2017), and “Hi-Red Center: The Documents of ‘Direct Action’” (Shibuya Shoto Museum of Art, and others, 2013-14; winner of the Japan Association of Art Museums Incentive Award).Among her published writings are Words and Things: Jiro Takamatsu’s issue (Suiseisha, 2011), Shashin, “geijutsu” to no kaimen ni [Photography, in its interface with “art”] (Seikyusha, 2006; winner of the Photographic Society of Japan Awards Scholastic Achievement Award), and Nakaji Yasui photographer 1903–1942 (Kyodo News, 2014, Ringa Prize).
void+では、Unknown Series no.8 #3 庄司朝美個展「百目の鳥によせて」を4月23日より開催いたします。
■タイトル:Unknown Image Series no.8 #3庄司朝美「百目の鳥によせて」
■会期:2021 年4月23日(金)— 5月30日(日)12:00-18:00
■会場:void+ 東京都港区南青山3-16-14, 1F
■定休日:日、月、祝日 (4/25(日)は開廊)
[広報協力]YN Associates
庄司朝美 SHOJI Asami
2021年3月 庄司朝美
カトウチカ(Unknown Series キュレーター)
トークイベント ゲスト プロフィール
光田由里 MITSUDA Yuri
美術評論家。多摩美術大学教授。専門は近現代美術史と写真史。近年の主な企画に、「描く、そして現れる―画家が彫刻を作るとき」(DIC川村記念美術館、2019)、「美術は語られる―評論家・中原佑介の眼―」(同、2016)、「鏡と穴-彫刻と写真の界面」(ギャラリーαM、2017)、「ハイレッド・センター 直接行動の軌跡」(渋谷区立松濤美術館ほか、2013-14、美術館連絡協議会奨励賞)など。主な著書に、『高松次郎言葉ともの』(水声社、2011)、『写真、「芸術」との界面に』(青弓社、2006、日本写真協会学芸賞)、『安井仲治写真集』(共同通信社、2004、倫雅賞)など。